August 17th, 2023997Join me, Aaron Harris (Star Wars Reactions), and Liberty Timmons as we discuss the past, present, and future of Ahsoka Tano. Pull up a chair, grab your favorite coffee mug, and let’s have some Coffee With Kenobi!
Stay tuned to Coffee With for the latest podcasts, videos, and...
Wow! Sitting here this evening, looking back over 2018, I can’t help but grin at what a Star Wars studded year this was! It began riding the high of The Last Jedi still in theaters. The wave continued with the May release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. While I was sad to see it come to a close, the last season of Rebels was a fitting end...Television & Streaming Reviews
In the penultimate Star Wars Rebels episodes, "Wolves and A Door" and "A World Between Worlds", Dave Filoni shows us, once and for all, that he is the Jedi Master by which all subsequent creators will be weighed. These two episodes may be the most mind-blowing, jaw-dropping episodes of Star Wars animation ever created. Things are...Star Wars Rebels Talking Points
Star Wars Rebels Season Four returns for its epic final episodes and leaves no stone unturned. You are going to get some answers to some pretty heavy questions, and will undoubtedly go through a whirlwind of emotions. Strap yourselves in ....
When we were first...Dan Zehr
"Kindred" and "Crawler Commanders" feature the introduction of an infamous character from the Legends Line, some more insights into the Force, and a key moment that will echo throughout fandom. We are now eight episodes into the shortened fourth season, and appear to be headed somewhere critically important to the overarching story of...
Season Four of Star Wars Rebels has been a roller coaster of emotions, to this point. Expect that roller coaster to take some sharp twists and turns during "The Occupation" and "Flight of the Defender". It may be the most intense pair of episodes in this final season of the Emmy-nominated series. Here we go!
Tonight's Star Wars Rebels is a reunion, of sorts. Many key elements of the Rebellion are rapidly aligning with one another, providing plenty of thrills and excitement. There are also some interesting questions brought up, that, while on the surface, feel like a rehash of familiar themes. However, there is so much more going on in...
Star Wars Rebels returns for the fourth and final season today; this is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, audiences will be able to experience all new episodes of this beautiful addition to the Star Wars mythos. Conversely, knowing that this will be the final season can't help but bring about a twinge of melancholy. Kanan Jarrus,...Star Wars News & Info
Welcome to Rebels Reactions, where Coffee With Kenobi examines Star Wars: Rebels through a critical lens. On today's show, we are discussing "Blood Sisters", the 8th episode of season 2. Standing in for Dan and Cory is Coffee With Kenobi blogger and Disney World special correspondent Aaron Harris along with co-host of Legends Library...Star Wars News & Info
Welcome to Rebels Reactions, where Coffee With Kenobi examines Star Wars: Rebels through a critical lens. On today’s show, we will be discussing “Wings of the Master” episode 7 of Season 2 with Coffee With Kenobi Special Corespondent, Tom Gross. We discuss the long anticipated Hera Syndulla focussed episode, the metaphor of...