January 3rd, 20229462The third wave of The High Republic begins with Claudia Gray’s novel, The Fallen Star. Like its predecessors, Light of The Jedi by Charles Soule and The Rising Storm by Cavan Scott, the adult novel continues the story of the valiant Jedi of the High Republic era as they face the unrelenting evil of the mysterious Nihil. As with the...
July 28th, 20200410The final entry in Ian Doescher's William Shakespeare's Star Wars series, The Merry Rise of Skywalker, is released today and is the final chapter of Doescher's take on the Skywalker saga. Like the previous eight iterations of the New York Time's Best Selling author's interpretation of Star Wars, the book converts Star Wars into...
With the release of Rogue One came a bevy of new characters in the Star Wars universe. Two of the breakout stars of the popular film, Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus, are featured in Greg Rucka's , and are more fully formed as dynamic characters in the new book. Rucka beautifully shifts the third person narrative from each main...Book Reviews
Star Wars Year by Year: A Visual History, Updated Edition by Daniel Wallace and Pablo Hidalgo is a revised edition of the original visual history (originally published in October of 2012). Naturally, additional entries have been crafted to reflect what has transpired in the Star Wars universe since 2012, with additional emphasis...
July 21st, 2016118124
Aftermath: Life Debt is the second novel in Chuck Wendig's post Return of the Jedi trilogy, which continues the story of what happened to the galaxy once the second Death Star was destroyed by Lando Calrissian and the Rebel Alliance. As with the first novel, Aftermath, Life Debt follows the exploits of Norra Wexley and her assortment...
May 3rd, 20161189
Claudia Gray brings her gifted pen back to the Star Wars universe with the much-anticipated book, Bloodline. The Princess Leia centered novel focuses on her role as a significant and powerful senator in the New Republic, and takes place years before The Force Awakens. Bloodline manages to do something exquisite and rare: it...
The new collection of short stories from Disney Lucasfilm Press, Star Wars The Force Awakens: Tales From A Galaxy Far, Far Away Volume I: Aliens, is the work of author Landry Q. Walker, and provides some colorful insights into some of the inhabitants of Jakku, as well as Maz Kanata's castle. There are six stories in all, with each...Book Reviews
A new resource for Star Wars fans continues the tradition of featuring Star Wars vehicles in fascinating and exacting detail. The new book Star Wars: The Force Awakens Incredible Cross-Sections, brings artistic flair to the vehicles present in the new Star Wars film. Written by Jason Fry, with illustrations by Kemp Remillard,...
July 7th, 20150287
NOTE: Major Spoilers in this review! If you have not read Dark Disciple, you may want to finish the book before going further in the review.
Ever since Dark Disciple was announced last year, Star Wars fans have eagerly awaited the return of Asajj Ventress. Easily one of the most popular characters from The Clone...
April 28th, 2015387
This review contains spoilers for Lords of the Sith
Paul S. Kemp's Lords of the Sith is a compelling, frequently chilling account of the ultimate Lords of the Sith, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, as they are hunted on the planet Ryloth by a fledgling group of rebels (the story takes place well before the events of A New Dawn)...