Two weeks to the day after seeing it ourselves, my husband, Tom, and I finally got to see “Rogue One” with our two daughters who came home for the holidays. Neither one of them had seen the newest chapter in Star Wars lore as of yet, and Tom and I were waiting with bated breath for them to see it – especially this past week since the two of us could not talk about the movie at all if there was even the smidgeon of a possibility that either of the girls were within ear shot [our ‘eagle-eared’ daughters can hear just about anything from any corner of the house, we learned long, long ago]. Best to err on the side of caution, and not say one word. In all fairness to the girls, Tom and I each were ‘allowed’ to utter one word in regard to “Rogue One” – we could answer “yes” or “no” to the query, “Did you like it?” after seeing it opening night [December 15]. We embellished our answers by giving a thumb’s up signal. They allowed that. 😉
With tickets in hand, we headed to the movie theater last night, bought our concessions, and took our seats to wait for the lights to dim, make it through the plethora of trailers until – finally – the LucasFilm logo appeared onscreen. Our adventure began! 🙂
I wish I was able to see the look on the girls’ faces, especially at certain points during the movie, to get a sense of their reactions to events [this was my fourth time seeing “Rogue One”, and I could afford that luxury], but I was sitting on the far side of our foursome in the packed theater [it was so heartwarming to see an almost sold-out theater in the middle of the week even though “Rogue One” had been in theaters for two weeks already 🙂 ]. Maybe it was just as well – so I wouldn’t give away anything [unintentionally, of course]. I really didn’t want my exuberance for both the movie and their seeing it to detract from their own experiences. I admit that sometimes I can be a little over eager in such situations. 😉
And what did they think about “Rogue One”? They both loved it! 😀 Which has me grinning ear to ear. 🙂 Although they both still are digesting the events of the film, both agree that their favorite part of Director Gareth Edwards’ effort to add his flair to “Star Wars” was the ending – as the cadre of Rebels battled the Empire on Scariff, and, as Erin [our 27-year-old] put it: [spoiler alert] “I liked the resolution of [Director Krennic getting his just desserts], and [Cassian] and Jyn came together.” Like her mom, she was thrilled that their relationship did not fall into the Hollywood trap – that it should become romantic. “See – a woman and man can become close without taking that step. They can be really good friends, fight next to each other, and nothing more than friendship has to develop.”
Caitlin [our 24-year-old] added she appreciated the inclusion of planet names appearing in the corner of the screen when the audience was transported to a new location. While some of the planets, like Mustafar and Yavin IV, didn’t need an identifier [although there was one for Yavin IV, something I thought a bit unnecessary], she commented that it was helpful to know where we were being taken because “there were so many locations in this film.”
[Spoiler Alert] The one particularly sad moment we all experienced [that really wasn’t meant to be sad] while watching came when Princess Leia appeared in the last moments of “Rogue One”. To see Carrie Fisher’s visage superimposed over that of Ingvild Deila’s face was heart-wrenching given the news of earlier this week. Our hearts go out to the entire Fisher family.
I couldn’t help but get giddy at the thought of seeing “Rogue One” with my girls. They grew up on Star Wars [if I remember correctly, Erin was 4 years old when she saw “A New Hope” for the first time], and we always have approached “Star Wars” as a family endeavor. I thought it was sweet that neither of the girls wanted to see “Rogue One” until they could see it with Tom and me. [I know they both intend to see it again. There is so much more to garner from the story than what one absorbs from that first viewing. Raised on “Star Wars”, they know that, too.] From my point of view, that is the one positive aspect of releasing these newer installments of the Saga in December – the girls live far from home, and the holiday season is the one time of the year we usually can count on both of them being home at the same time. 😉 [Living in the tundra of Wisconsin as we do, I have questioned Disney’s decision to release the SW films so late in the year – when so much of the country is in a deep freeze. 😉 ]
As they continue to ruminate on the themes and events of “Rogue One” – I can’t wait to hear more of what they have to say on the subject – both Tom and I have breathed a sigh of relief. We finally can talk about the movie openly [in the confines of our own home; I still won’t talk about it in public lest someone who hasn’t yet seen the movie – but wants to – is within hearing distance]. That’s a load off my shoulders – because there is so much about this film to discuss. 😉
Now, the morning after, I cherish the special memory of being able to see yet another “Star Wars” movie with my family. I still can remember the first time seeing the Original Trilogy in the theater – with the girls [when it was re-released in the 1990s] – each of the Prequels, and then last year when “The Force Awakens” hit the big screen. “Star Wars” always has been a family affair for us, and while I know it’s “just a movie”, “Star Wars” has been the basis for many wonderful family memories. How about you? What was it like seeing “Rogue One” alone vs. with your family? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Please feel free to leave a comment below.
Before 2016 fades into the sunset, please allow me to wish you all a very happy 2017. I hope you enjoy the coming months – and don’t forget: We have a new “Star Wars” movie on the horizon come next December! See you at the theater! 🙂
Until next time,
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