In 2022, Disney released the six-episode mini-series, Tales of the Jedi, which showcases early pivotal adventures in the lives of Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku (three shorts per character). Each short is approximately fifteen minutes long (historically, most short-form episodes of a television series are twenty-two minutes in length, to allow for commercials, although that is moot for a streaming series) and left a notable mark on the history of these two characters. All of the original actors returned to voice the roles they inhabited during Star Wars: The Clone Wars (and in the case of Ahsoka, Star Wars Rebels) with Dave Filoni as the Supervising Director. Both take place during the Prequel era.
In April 2024, we learned the series would resume, but this time the new version is from the perspective of the Empire. Tales of The Empire shifts the narrative and focuses on the villains but from a different point of view. The first three episodes show the tragic history of Morgan Elsbeth (played by Diana Lee Inosanto, who also plays the role in the live-action The Mandalorian and Ahsoka), and the last three episodes return to Barriss Offee, the antagonist partly responsible for Ahsoka’s departure from the Jedi Order in the Clone Wars episode, “The Wrong Jedi.” The episodes range in length from twelve to fifteen minutes and, similar to Tales of The Jedi, present crucial moments in the lives of each character.
The stories featuring Barriss were more interesting to me than Morgan Elsbeth for reasons I won’t spoil here, but both arcs are compelling, beautifully animated, and capture the spirit and tone of the specific era they inhabit. The fight choreography is particularly spectacular as is the exquisite music of the Kiner Brothers, which captures the tone to perfection. All six episodes of Tales of The Empire drop on Disney+ on May 4th.
Along with some other members of the Star Wars fan content-creator community, I spoke with Diana Lee Insosanto (“Morgan Elsbeth”) and Meredith Salenger (“Barriss Offee”) about Tales of The Empire.
Morgan Elsbeth arc: 3 out of 5
Barriss Offee arc: 41/2 out of 5
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