While I am a bit surprised that today, in late 2017, gender biases still exist in some circles, as I pointed out in the middle post of this series: the more things change, the more they stay the same. Still, it is heartening to learn female fans of Star Wars care not one whit about what anyone thinks. We like what we like, and we make no...Star Wars News & Info
And now the end is here; The last letters of the alphabet have appeared; My friends, I’ll say it clear; For me this has been quite the year; I’ve had such fun; I hope you have, too; Oh what a run; From A to Z we made it through...
Quite the undertaking I set in store for myself when 2015 dawned. I thought it would be...Star Wars News & Info
Loss. Grief. They come in all shapes and sizes. All kinds. We might lose a pet, a job, a home, a friend, a loved one. Each loss brings with it a certain amount of sadness and grief – and if one chooses to be a part of the human race, there is absolutely no escape from either. A loss does not necessarily have to mean that someone is...