T — is for the tremendous honor it is to be part of the Coffee With Kenobi Family.
I — is for the immeasurable joy I feel whenever you stop by to read something I’ve written.
M — is for my musings you let me share with you.
E — is for the energy that fills me up when I read your thoughtful comments.
Oh my goodness! Has it really been an entire year since Dan and Cory asked me to join the fold here at Coffee With Kenobi? Where has all the time gone?
October [which begins tomorrow, you know 😉 ] marks my one-year anniversary writing for Coffee With Kenobi. One year. Wow! A momentous occasion to mark. Interesting, isn’t it, how some years just seem to elicit special note? Not that every year isn’t special, but when you think about it, there are those years that have a tendency to make us sit up and pay special attention to them — the one-year mark, 10 years, 25 years, 50 years.
Time … waits for no man.
Time … marches on.
Time … flies when you’re having fun.
One whole year. A few thousand words — that I’ve written, and you’ve been kind enough to read. This has been one of the most exciting rides of my life. Coffee With Kenobi [well, Dan and Cory, really] has given me an outlet for two of my passions — writing and Star Wars — and I have enjoyed every single moment. I was a loyal listener of CWK’s podcasts right from the very beginning, and I have shared my … well, rather lengthy 😉 … responses pertaining to each airing with Dan and Cory. How could I help myself? I always find their podcasts engaging, interesting, and full of fun information. The duo has had some outstanding guests appear on the show, and the fact that Dan and Cory refuse to pander to the Star Wars rumor mill went a long way to making me a devoted listener. 🙂 [It must be my journalistic background. Innuendo and inferences never had a place in any article I wrote as a newspaper reporter. Joe Friday’s “Just the facts, ma’am” still echoes in my mind even after all these years. lol] Imagine my delight the September day I opened the email from CWK’s hosts inviting me to join Coffee With Kenobi as Featured Blogger! What an honor — and what a pleasure to be part of such a special family! Since I joined the staff, the CWK Family has grown, and I feel so blessed to be among so many talented, endearing individuals — all of whom share the same passion for A Certain Little Space Fantasy. 🙂
Too, I love it when you stop by to read my musings, and I treasure each response you leave. I know this may sound a bit odd to some, but even 30+ years later, I still learn something new about Star Wars — and it’s usually you who point out that new insight! 🙂 Sometimes I get an idea stuck in my head, and you help me see Star Wars — and the world — from a different point of view. 🙂 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! 🙂
Knowing, as this day neared, I wanted to write about how much it has meant to me to be part of Coffee With Kenobi — I began thinking about how I could celebrate this special occasion. It didn’t take long at all [maybe a nanosecond!] for the answer to pop into my head. Hold one of my Star Wars Raffles! 🙂 That’s what I’d do! I hope you like what I have in mind. One of you will be the lucky recipient of a one-of-a-kind piece of Star Wars artwork created just for this occasion. [To my knowledge, no other like it exists.] Sadly, I don’t have a photograph of it to show you [currently, it is being framed], but trust me — it truly is a beautiful work of art.* [Well, you know each of us has a tendency to see something from one’s own point of view. ;-)] I always have been enamored of Star Wars artwork so I thought this would be an appropriate prize to commemorate my one-year anniversary. 🙂 This is what I ask you to do:
Please indicate in a comment box below that you would like to throw your name into the hat [from which the lucky winner’s name will be drawn 🙂 Can you tell I hold sophisticated raffles? lol]. Next, please send me your email address at [email protected] so I will know how to contact you if you are the winner. Please indicate your ID as it appears in the comment box so I’ll know which email address is associated with which name. [I’ll eventually need the lucky winner’s mailing address.] I will accept entries throughout October — until the 29th. The winner’s name will be announced in my Oct. 30 blog. What a wonderful way to cap my anniversary month! 🙂 There is absolutely no cost to you. Not even shipping and handling. I will ship worldwide. [Members of the Coffee With Kenobi Family are not eligible to enter. Sorry, gang.]
So, please, help me celebrate! 🙂 Throw your name into the hat! 🙂 Let’s make this a celebratory occasion that pitiful little band of rebels could enjoy! 🙂 The more the merrier! Good luck to one and all!!! 😀 [Not that you’d need luck … there is the Force, you know. It surrounds us. It binds us together. 🙂 Well, a little wave of the hand never hurt anyone. lol]
Before I close, I’d just like to send a Special Thank You to Dan and Cory for taking a chance on me, and welcoming me into the CWK fold. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts about Star Wars and my goofy Star Wars-related stories with your fans. 🙂 I’ve been having the time of my life, and I’d like you to know how very much I appreciate being part of this very special family. 🙂 To Lisa, thank you for putting up with my incessant “how do I” questions [and for being such a good friend! 🙂 ]. To my fellow bloggers at CWK — I am in the company of some remarkable talent, and I am honored to be associated with you. 🙂 And to everyone who stops by to read my musings, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to do so. These are hectic times in which we live, and it means a great deal to me that you take a portion of your valuable free time to stop by. 🙂
Until next time,
[*Just in case the framed artwork doesn’t turn out the way I envision it, I have an exceptional replacement as a backup prize.]
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