*This review of Thrawn: Treason may contain minor spoilers.*
Grand Admiral Thrawn returns in Timothy Zahn's latest, Thrawn: Treason, which is set during the events of the fourth season of Star Wars Rebels. Thrawn is drawn away from his dealings with the rebels on Lothal when he's informed by Grand Moff Tarkin that funding for his TIE...
February 20th, 20151301
Welcome to Rebels Reactions, where Coffee With Kenobi examines Star Wars: Rebels through a critical lens. On today’s show, we discuss “Call To Action” with Stephen Stanton, voice of Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars:Rebels. Stephen joins us to break down the entire episode, as we discuss Tarkin,...
October 24th, 20141274
Note: this review contains heavy spoilers!
When Star Wars.com announced early this year that four new books would debut in the newly crafted Lucasfilm Story Group, there were certainly mixed reactions. However, it is hard to surmise that anyone was disappointed in the news that James Luceno was writing another Star Wars book, and...