One’s a little bit light side. One’s a little bit dark side. They balance each other out. Which seems almost fitting since the co-hosts of the podcast “Star Wars Geek Girl” – California’s Lizzy Perales and Pennsylvania’s Zoe Hinton – pretty much bookend the country. Thanks to the internet, the two teens “met”, forged...
Star Wars Rebels returns for the fourth and final season today; this is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, audiences will be able to experience all new episodes of this beautiful addition to the Star Wars mythos. Conversely, knowing that this will be the final season can't help but bring about a twinge of melancholy. Kanan Jarrus,...
While I am a bit surprised that today, in late 2017, gender biases still exist in some circles, as I pointed out in the middle post of this series: the more things change, the more they stay the same. Still, it is heartening to learn female fans of Star Wars care not one whit about what anyone thinks. We like what we like, and we make no...