October 9th, 20201498Top 5 Star Wars Haunted Houses, Part I
Over the past few years, Lucasfilm has been angling – if only slightly – to cover just a bit more of the spooky side of the Star Wars universe. While it’s true that the vast majority of these endeavors have been conducted under the all-ages label – think of IDW’s now-annual Darth...
Without question, the Millennium Falcon is legendary. Part of Star Wars from the very beginning, the Falcon has been a touchstone for just about every character passing through the saga. From A New Hope, through The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, to her reappearance in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, and her origin...
And how did you celebrate your Star Wars Day? Me? As soon as I woke from a not-very-good-night’s sleep, I turned on my computer, launched my Internet browser, and learned that tickets to Han Solo: A Star Wars Story were indeed on sale. My suspicion was correct. Tickets for the upcoming cinematic offering that centers on that much...
May the Fourth brought an unexpected surprise this year with seven all-new episodes of Star Wars Forces of Destiny. Featuring Padme Amidala, Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, Princess Leia, Rey, BB-8, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Finn, and Porgs, Forces of Destiny gave us another round of adventure with some of our most beloved...
I was 18, on the cusp of my last year as a teenager when this little space fantasy I had heard about hit theaters in 1977. At first, I wasn’t sure if I’d go see the film – mostly because it was touted as a sci-fi movie. Truth be told, that really wasn’t my cup of tea back then. However, I had seen American Graffiti four years...
These reviews of Star Wars Forces of Destiny will contain spoilers.
The Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Volume One premiered on the Disney Channel Sunday night, and it showcased a mix of old and new. Some episodes from the first run released during the summer were interspersed with new episodes, along with interludes featuring the...
Where were you the morning of December 27, 2016 when you heard that our – yes, I’m using the possessive – very own princess had passed from this terrestrial sphere? It was two days after Christmas, and I was riding pretty high. I already had seen Rogue One a couple of times. Both my girls were home from their far-flung homes . I...
A couple of days ago, I stopped into our local financial institution to do a bit of banking, and since there were no other customers waiting in line, I took a little extra time to chat with the friendly teller. The course of our discussion took us down the path of musing about change and how open to it people are. About 35 years my...