This is not the blog you’re looking for.
Well, it is Melinda’s Brew, but this is not the post I was planning for today. As I contemplated my two March posts when I flipped the calendar from February to March, I had very definite ideas about what topics I would be covering. I even wrote out the blogs — long-hand. However, I put off typing them until it got closer to post day (as I usually do; it has to do with my work schedule). Was that a mistake! I was up on a high extension ladder, painting our kitchen, when bang, boom, splat! I came crashing down — along with the ladder (which slid out fromย under me, by the way) and the tray full of red paint. Yes, that vibrant color got everywhere — everywhere but where it was supposed to! When all was said and done, I had a number of cuts, scrapes, some pretty horrendous bruises (some of which are still with me), a couple of broken ribs, and a broken left arm. While the cracked ribs offer their own challenges, it’s the broken arm that is causing me the most consternation. It is not in a cast, but in an immobilizing sling. The break was near my shoulder, leaving me with no use of the arm. I can’t lift it at all. I’m typing one-handed at this moment. Suffice it to say, this makes life rather challenging for a writer. It takes me at least 3 times as long to do anything. ๐ย I cannot wait until I have the full use of both arms! I know that day is still more than one month away. I go to the doctor this Wednesday to get a progress report. I hope the indication still is that I won’t need surgery, that I’m healing well. ๐
This experience certainly has gotten me thinking about medicine and the world of Star Wars. I’ve been thinking mostly of Luke’s rehabilitation on Hoth after his run-in with the wampa, followed by his near-death freeze before Han rescued our young Jedi-In-Training. What I wouldn’t give for a bacta tank right about now! Or a Jedi with special healing capabilities. ๐ (Can you tell I’m getting a little impatient with all this? lol I’m trying to temper my impatience. I don’t want to start that slide toward the Dark Side. ๐ )
I think it is both amazing and incredible how technology has begun to catch up to those “far-fetched” ideas that appeared in the Star Wars Saga. Now, we need modern medicine to catch up! ๐ It might not happen in my lifetime, but I hope it does one day in the not-too-far-off future. ๐ Wouldn’t that be wonderful!
Accidents happen … unfortunately, they have a tendency to occur at the most inopportune times! In this case, I’ve had to just let some tasks go, or at the very least postpone. I’m just trying to baby my body — to reduce the amount of pain I experience and to help (I hope!) the healing process.ย I did make it down to New Orleans to find housing for Caitlin forย next year. Tom, bless his heart, took off from work so he could accompany me (I can’t dress myself. Too much information? lol). We were able to find an apartment for Caitlin and her two friends, all of whom are spending their junior year of college studying abroad. One lady actually said to me: “You’re going to stay off ladders from now on, aren’t you?” Did Luke ever turn his back on his tasks at hand after falling victim to some mishap, malady or limb loss? No! Did Anakin? Han? Leia? No, no, no! You pick yourself up, adapt, and move on! ๐ I still have more painting to do. It just will have to wait a couple of months. ๐ (For those of you who would suggest Tom handle the next phase, I’ll just say all the close work entailed with it would best be done by yours truly. ๐ )
I’ve begun to type my (originally-intended) blog into the computer, but it’s a slow, laborious endeavor. Maybe I’ll have it done by April 15 if I do a bit every day. (One-handed, I type faster than Tom. ๐ Although I know he’d do it for me without question if I asked him. ๐ ) I have missed reading everyone’s posts here at CWK, and I promise you I’ll back track to see what I’ve been missing. ๐ It just may take me a while. I feel a little like Han after Leia released him from carbonite. lol I’ve been out of it for a while, and now it’s time to find out what I’ve been missing. ๐ I have missed you all, and it feels great to be back (even if only inย small spurts).
As always, MTFBWY ๐
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