Say, did you catch the recent CWK podcast during which Dan and Cory talked to guest Dr. Andrea Letamendi about villains — and why we have a penchant for them? (Well, not me, but I know some of you do. 😉 ) It was a great show, even incorporating characters from other franchises, and if you haven’t listened yet, I’d encourage you to do so.
Anyway, that got me to thinking about how some fans just love Dark Side characters, and how some of us prefer those with Light Side leanings … which got me thinking about the Love/Hate relationship between the two sides of the Force — which is stronger, if one truly is better. I decided to take the matter to an impartial “judge” who would consider the merits of both sides of the Force, and help determine which characters (and their respective side of the Force) truly are deserving of our attachment to them, to help determine whether one side of the Force really is stronger. That “judge” would be my daughter’s one-and-one-half-year-old feline Mina. She has grown up on Star Wars, and in my estimation would remain unbiased.
When one of the nation’s pet store chains began carrying Star Wars-based toys for both dogs and cats last fall, there was absolutely no way I could resist adding some of them to Mina’s plethora of playthings. Erin grew up on Star Wars. Why shouldn’t her cuddly companion? 😉 I had tons of fun picking out items with which Mina could play — beginning with the Darth Vader, stormtropper and Chewbacca “mice” and the cape-clad Darth Vader suspended from a short pole. (The set of toys has increased since September. 😉 )
Would the Birman kitty show any favoritism, I wondered? You be the judge …
Poor Yoda. What a beating he took. He just couldn’t hold his own against the likes of Erin’s cat. Mina didn’t stop here, however. The stuffing got knocked out of the great Jedi Master …
Not one to show favoritism, Mina next took aim at the Dark Side of the Force, and Darth Vader got his comeuppance …
See his stuffing on the left? How strong in the Dark Side does Darth Vader feel now, eh? 😉 The stormtrooper did not fare any better, nor did the noble, loyal Chewbacca …
Could be you really can’t identify that clump of batting and fur as Chewbacca (or any of the other characters), but please take my word for it, these are the remains of characters I say they are. Light Side … Dark Side. It’s evident neither is any match for a fury, four-legged creature with sharp claws and even sharper teeth. 😉 Mina might not have a preference, but as far as we fans are concerned, I suppose we’ll just continue to play favorites. Light Side all the way! 😉
As promised, I’d like to announce the winner of my CWK Valentine Raffle. CONGRATULATIONS, BECCA!!! The Force is strong with her (remember Becca was the first winner of my first CWK Raffle? 🙂 ). Her surprise is on its way to her. I’m sorry, folks, but I can’t reveal what the gift is. She hasn’t any idea — except that it is Star Wars-related — and I’d hate to ruin the surprise. I hope you understand. Again, congratulations, Becca. I hope you like your surprise! 🙂
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