Got a second? We do. A second, brand new, updated logo for Coffee With Kenobi!
The reason for updating the logo was simple. Folks only have a second to see an image. A flick of a screen, a swipe of finger, that’s all the time it takes and we wanted something that was bold and eye catching, but still held true to our original design and vision.
Bursting to life in vivid “rebel orange” is our classic cup of coffee with a new CWK word mark embossed on it and one iconic Millennium Falcon swooping past in under 15 parsecs. Just think how it will look on t-shirts?!!
Although the logo is shiny and new, our podcast and conversation has that great original taste! We will continue to bring discussion, analysis, and rhetoric to your favorite saga with exciting guests and deep topics! And as always we love to hear from you and let your voice be heard. Feel free to post a comment, like our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter!
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